Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Would you like whipped cream with that?

Not to be outdone in the dessert wars, a New York restaurant has devised a new variety of hot chocolate which is, for now, the most expensive dessert ever. Naturally, it includes truffles. And top-grade cocoa, because apparently cocoa has grades. And, of course, gold flakes, to help prevent things like osteoporosis and opulence-deficiency.

A note to the restaurateurs concerning their claims of "edible gold": Just because you can fit something in your mouth, swallow it and not die, that doesn't make it "edible." Gold is gold; it isn't a matter of the gold being edible or not, it's a matter of convincing some jackass that eating gold isn't, you know, a horrible horrible idea. Not that you can't taste the gold flakes; you can totally taste the gold flakes. You will drink the gold-laced hot chocolate and remark, "Mmmm, goldy." At least, that's what you'll do with the first sip. Then, if it's like any other hot chocolate you've ever had, you'll burn your tongue and spend the rest of the day drinking a $25,000 cup of hot, brown water. With truffles.

And, also, if you want to drink something that isn't named like it came off of the Arby's value menu, you're going to have to spend a little more than 2.5% of a million dollars, because this diamond-encrusted goblet of delicious is called, wait for it, "The Frrrozen Haute Chocolate." That's right, certified delicious by hedge-fund managers, hip-hop also-rans, and Tony the tiger. If only it came with those little marshmallows...

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